University of Minnesota to host Job Fair North Minneapolis

The University’s Twin Cities campus currently is hiring for University Services positions and more!

Looking for a new job? The University of Minnesota (U of M) has hundreds of jobs available on its Twin Cities campus. Come to the Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC), 2001 Plymouth Avenue N. on Friday, January 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. You can discuss open positions, including veterinary technicians, cooks, custodians and HVAC mechanics, or ask a recruiter where you might fit in at the University.

The last University Services job fair at UROC brought more than 200 people, who were able to apply for jobs on the spot, sign up for interviews, and talk about University benefits.

Benefits at the Twin Cities campus include the employee transit pass, 12 paid holidays, low-cost health insurance coverage, and free or reduced-cost University classes — which all represent key reasons University employees stay with the U of M. “I like that I work at an organization with a mission that I support that also offers excellent family benefits,” said Bryn Rose, stores specialist with U Market Services. Dwayne Holmes, a delivery service driver with U Services, agrees. “I came to the University for the benefits, and I’m staying at the University for the benefits,” he said.

University employees include gardeners, accountants, truck drivers, bee keepers, nurses, a ship captain, and of course, professors. If you can’t make it to the job fair, visit to learn how to start or advance your career at the U of M.