Good news! After months of frustration for all of us on the Northside we finally have driving access on both Osseo Road and Dowling Avenue.
On December 15, this year’s reconstruction work on Osseo Road (County Road 152) in North Minneapolis was complete to drive on. All lanes reopened in the work area from just south of Victory Memorial Parkway to just north of the railroad bridge (see photo).
You’ll notice a smoother ride and new road pavement on Osseo Road and the bridge; improved and safer sidewalks and trails on both sides of Osseo Road; and upgraded drainage and signals on Osseo Road.
Light pole installation and grass restoration along this section will be completed in the spring.
Be aware – this year, crews will resume reconstruction and focus on the sections of Osseo Road just north and south of this past year’s work zone: North of the railroad bridge to 49th Avenue North and Penn Avenue North to 45th Avenue North. To learn about the upcoming work on Osseo Road visit hennepin.us/osseoroad.
For questions about upcoming roadwork, contact osseoroad@hennepin.us or the project manager, Amanda Shotton, at 612-384-8819.
Dowling is open! The Dowling Avenue Reconstruction and Areaway Removal project has been a major infrastructure improvement initiative. It aimed to transform Dowling Avenue into a safer, more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly corridor, while enhancing the overall aesthetics and functionality of the area.
The entrance and exit on/off of eastbound I-94 to/from Dowling Avenue and Lyndale and Dowling Avenue intersection to west TH-94 is now open. The sidewalk, bike trail and boulevard restoration will be completed this spring.
There’s still some work to be done but you can now – finally(!) – access the on/off ramps to I-94. Find info on Dowling construction at minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/dowling-ave-reconstruction/.