Voices of students from Education Pathways

Some of the Education Pathways students - Front row: Jacaila, Hosana, Rayshawn, Ana, Unique. Back row: Anthony, Jonathan, Tramere.

Written by Susan Curnow Breedlove, community liaison with Henry High

Note:  This is a follow-up of the article “The Education Pathways at Henry High” in October Camden News issue.

The following are responses of students who are in their 2nd or3rd year as a participant of Education Pathways (EP).

Tell about being a participant of the Education Pathways program and your advice to teachers.

“This program is basically a college class in which you get college credit. You experience things you never heard or did before such as being an intern with younger kids in the summer. I learned more about kids in education spending most of the summer with a class of 3rd graders at Lucy Laney School. A memorable event I recently had was reuniting with some of these kids at another school. They had big smiles on their faces when they saw me which made me feel good inside. Being in EP gives you a chance to be in a teacher’s shoes. My current career goal is to be a future educator.” Ja’Kya

“Something that drew me to become a participant of the Education Pathways program was knowing I would be able to participate in visiting colleges, exploring different career paths, and finding out more things as a young black female. It’s helping me explore and learn so much. My current career aspirations were to be a pediatrician, journalist, or a therapist. Being a part of ED has affected my career path in a positive way and I can see myself working in the field of education. Joining this program has made me want to do it even more. I think it is important to have Education Pathways for high schoolers because it’s an eye opener and makes it so much better for any career you want in the future. I feel it gives you a lot more insight on the path you will go about.” Tahriyah

“The most memorable event that the Education Pathways hosted was letting us become teachers.  During Spring break, we created lesson plans and used them inside of the classroom. It was a great and fun experience. The most important qualities that a person should have going into the field of education are having an open mind, being yourself, and being creative. Some advice I would give to teachers is to bring your real self and experience into the classroom.” Rory

“I have learned that there are multiple kinds of disabilities in learning. In EP we were able to teach a student with a disability, helping him read. A memorable event was going to Mankato State University where we were told about what the pathway is of becoming a teacher. We met the whole education program there and learned from juniors and seniors. I would say that is really important to be taught about the pathways of becoming a teacher and teacher’s assistant while in high school. It gives you an open view of every student you may come across. You don’t judge the students and you are more open to what they have to say.” Gaunou

 (The following are responses of students who are in their first year of being a participant in the EP program.)

What drew you to become a participant of the Education Pathways program?

“The thing that drew me to become a participant of the EP is the lack of colored teachers in education. I wanted to join so I could have a chance to try something new for myself and to be able to practice a college grade class.” De’Morian

“What drew me into the Education Pathways Program is that there is someone in this class that told me to check it out as a good program. But that is not the only thing for I want to know about the other EP classes, what the teachers are like, and what the classes look like.  But the most important reason I want this class is the 12 credits for college.” Devid

“What drew me to Education Pathways Program was the idea of being a teacher, to see what the teachers feel all day, every day. I like teaching people and getting to learn new things.  Being a teacher is something I never thought I would want to do.  I still don’t know what I want to do but being a teacher is on my list.” Heaven

How has the EP class been different from other classes you have had in the past?

“This class for me has been very informative, learning how schools think and how living in different communities affect your education. The class has changed the way I look at school, learning about the structural racism created by school systems and boards in existence for years. If I could give a teacher any advice it would be to get to know your students, build relationships with students. I believe this is one of the most important things for a successful education.” Isaac

“The EP class has been different from my other classes because my teachers have been more hands on and have been providing more input as well as going out of their way to provide help with work of not only their class, but others as well. If I had to give any advice to teachers, it would be to build relationships with your students and hold everyone to the same standard. Know your students and what they struggle with, so you know how to properly help them.” Tylan

“The Education Pathways program is different from my other classes as we learn about the real world and what we are getting ourselves into when we get out of school. We will know what we have to do and so we don’t feel lost. All my classes don’t have that as part of them.” Heaven

“The Education Pathways program is different from other classes in that we get to express how we feel about our other classes and see the teachers’ point of view. We have the chance to teach the younger kids and make the younger kids feel more comfortable with their teachers.” Prince

“I think this class is different because I enjoy going to observe the special education classes.  It brings me so much joy and I feel like the kids also get excited when other people come to see them and try to talk to them. We are heard in this class and always asked if we don’t like something.” Ana

“I think this class is different than other classes I have had in the past because this class is more hands on, and everyone gets to be heard in this class.” Anthony

“This class has brought me many new perspectives. Most classes feel like you’re producing factory work. It’s draining. This class feels like a break from crowded classrooms, unmotivated teachers, and unmotivated students. This class teaches me new things every day. Not only do we learn about unfair systems that were made to oppress us, we learn how to combat the system.” Hosana

Do you think that it is important to have EP for high schoolers? If so, why?

“I think it’s important to have EP in high school because it can open up many opportunities in life. We learn about racial problems and how the neighborhoods used to be. That’s good to learn about.” Michael

“Yes, it is important to have Education Pathways programs for high schools. EP is important especially if a student wants to become a teacher. It is also important for people of color; in the US I know there is a teacher of color shortage. It would be wonderful to have more teachers of color, especially ones that look like you. Education Pathways is also important because you receive college credits which gives one a head start before you even get there.” K’Mari

“I think every school should have an Educational Pathways program. We can be aware of what’s going on in schools. We learn about everything we can do to change schools so that kids will want to learn and like their teachers.” Prince

“I feel like EP is important because it can give students insight on what it’s like being an educator. It can also give students another option for a future career.” Keith

“This class is very important because some students are interested in becoming teachers, wanting to become an educator. Also getting college credit for it is so good because you’re getting prepared for it.” Anani

“I think it’s important to have Education Pathway for highschoolers because it allows high schoolers to try out something new and see if they like it or if it’s not for them.”  Rayshawn

“I do think it’s important to have EP for high schoolers because if anyone is interested in being an educator, or you don’t know what you want to do after high school, this is a good way to start.” Anthony

“Yes, I think it’s important to have EP in high schools because of the lack of teachers of color.  The Education Pathways program informs students on education options.  The EP teaches students how to navigate teaching.” Hosana

Do you see a possible future career in the field in education?

“Yes, I see teaching in my future. I’ve always liked kids/people and teaching just gives me time to be with kids and also teach them something. I also want to fix the diversity in teachers; there are not a lot of young Black women that are teaching. I want to be one of the young ladies that change that.” Donneytta

“I do see a future career in the field in education. I want to be either a child psychologist or therapist. I want to help kids in a way that is impactful. Helping the younger generation is important to me, but I don’t want to be a teacher. Helping people is very rewarding for me. Kids are the future. If I want to have a good future, I have to help the people who will be a part of it. I’d want to help as many kids as possible. All kids deserve to be helped and supported in any way needed to ensure their success.” Jacaila

What advice would you give to teachers?

“A piece of advice I would give a teacher is to try to understand the students. Trying to understand students can give them a closer relationship. Another advice I have is to not show their dislike in a person. I heard someone saying, “You don’t learn if the person you dislike is teaching you because you’ll refuse to learn.”  Akina

“Some advice I would give to teachers is to build relationships with your students, get to know who they are as a person. Getting to know your students and building that relationship allows students to gain trust and respect for that teacher.” De’Morian

“In my opinion a bond with a teacher doesn’t really mean much to me. I think they just need to have good communication skills. Teachers should be more observant of students. Being strict is never the way to go; that will just make kids not want to come to class and not like you. I’m not saying let them do what they want but set some rules and consequences if those rules were ever broken. Make it as stress free as you can for them, and you and the students will be happy.” Unique

“Some advice I would give teachers is make sure you are kind and nice to the kids you’re teaching. Try and make things entertaining for the students.” Jonathan