On October 3 our legislators from District 59, Rep. Esther Agbaje, Rep. Fue Lee and Senator Bobby Joe Champion, held a Town Hall to recap the 2023 Minnesota legislative session and discuss goals for next year’s session. The event, held at the U of M Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center, was free nonpartisan, and open to all.
Topics included everything from childcare to medical leave to cannibas (see full list attached).
Senator Bobby Joe Champion said, “Your thoughtful questions, insightful suggestions, and genuine concerns truly reflect the spirit of community and civic responsibility that makes our district so remarkable. It is heartening to see such passion and commitment among our residents, and your input is invaluable as we work together to make our district an even better place to live, work and thrive.”
If you missed the event there’s a video on Rep. Esther Agbaje’s State Representative Facebook page or go to fb.watch/ntksLhr-cT/.