As we take time this Thanksgiving to celebrate, we must not forget the dangers that can arise from traveling on our roadways. Law Enforcement will be patrolling the roadways this holiday to ensure everyone will arrive at their destination safely.
Throughout the state Law Enforcement will be focusing on safety and enforcement, which includes distracted driving, motorists not wearing seat belts, unrestrained children in vehicles, aggressive driving and especially driving under the influence.
By following these easy steps, a driver can enjoy safe holiday travel without jeopardizing their life or the lives of others on the road:
- Ensure all occupants are properly restrained.
- Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin.
- Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys. If you’re impaired, use a Lyft, or Uber, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely.
- If you see a drunk or aggressive driver on the road, immediately contact 911 as soon as safely possible.
- If you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely.
- Plan your trip before you embark on your journey.
- Have your car checked by a mechanic. Make sure all fluid levels are checked and your vehicle is in top running condition.
- Take a break every two hours on long trips and take turns driving. Studies have shown that fatigued drivers are just as much a threat as drunk drivers are on our highways.
- Don’t let your children go to a rest stop alone. When taking a break, always accompany your children to rest area facilities.
If you are traveling this Thanksgiving, we would like to cover a few safety tips to keep you and your family safe.
While traveling
- Do not leave your vehicle running and unattended.
- Be aware of the current road conditions.
- Park in a well-lit and well-traveled area.
- Keep your car’s doors locked at all times.
- Don’t use cell phones or other electronic devices while driving.
- Don’t place your luggage or other valuables in a place where criminals can easily see them.
- Park as close as you can to your destination and always remember to turn off your car, lock and remove your keys when exiting.
- When approaching or leaving your vehicle, be aware of your surroundings and never carry a large amount of cash or valuables.
- Do not approach your car alone if there are suspicious people in the area.
- Don’t drink and drive, and don’t ride with anyone who has been drinking.
While at your destination
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason.
- Be able to describe your exact location in an emergency.
- Teach your child to go and ask for help in case your child is separated from you.
- Teach children to always stay close to you.
- Never allow children to make unaccompanied trips to the restroom.
- Children should never be allowed to go to the car alone or should never be left alone in a car.
- If you’ve had something stolen or have been the victim of a crime, it’s important to report the incident immediately by calling 911.
Added crime prevention tips while you are away from home.
-Remember to place your mail, packages and newspaper on hold. Criminals notice when the mail piles up or newspapers are scattered on the front step. Criminals know this is a good indication that you are out of town.
-Place your lights and televisions on timers. This provides the image that someone is home. Be sure to close all blinds to ensure a potential criminal does not have the ability to peer inside your residence and monitor activity.
-Be sure to lock all doors, windows, garage doors, storage sheds, vehicles and gates prior to leaving your residence.
-Remember to set your security alarm system if you have one. Test your system prior to leaving, to ensure it is functioning correctly. Ensure your personal contact information is also up to date; to ensure your alarm monitoring company has the ability to reach you.
-Have a close trustworthy neighbor or relative check on your residence while you are away.
-As excited as you may be to update your friends about your travel on social media, you should strongly reconsider. Remember, anyone that can access your social media profile, will gain insight that you are away. Potential criminals pay attention to these details and could attempt to break into your home.