Halloween might be the biggest holiday in October, however the National Crime Prevention Council designated October Crime Prevention Month in 1984 through a presidential proclamation. Since then, NCPC has worked with government agencies, law enforcement, schools, businesses and civic groups to spread the word about crime prevention and personal safety.
Is there more crime on Halloween?
Evidence shows that crime rates across the U.S. tend to spike on Halloween, though increases will really depend on where you live, some of the biggest increases are property crimes like vandalism.
How to stay safe on Halloween
- Don’t post your plans to social media: You might want to share your holiday plans with friends and family on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but that info could be used against you. Remember, criminals can troll social media to gain info on their victims.
- If you’re going out, leave the lights on in your house: Holidays are primetime for burglaries, and if you plan to go out to celebrate Halloween consider leaving some lights on in your home interior as well as exterior lights. If criminals think your home, they might not try to break in.
- Make your car appear empty: Burglars don’t just hit houses. Make sure to hide any valuables you have in your car, or better yet leave them at home. and of course, be sure to lock the doors. Try to avoid street parking, keep your car safe in a garage if possible.
- Use common sense when constructing your costume: Halloween costumes run the gamut from terrifying to hilarious, but no matter what, you should put some thought into your costume. Oftentimes masks and replica weapons can bring more trouble than they’re worth. Make sure to think about how other people will react to your costume before heading out.
- Go out with a group: With so many people out and about, a smart move is to stick with your friends and family on Halloween. After all, you’re less likely to run into trouble as part of a group than if you’re all alone. And if you have kids trick-or-treating, make sure they stick with a group too.