This article was written by Pam Russell Warder
Two homes in North Minneapolis will enjoy the latest trend in energy savings by having solar panels installed on their rooftop. Solar panels reduce monthly expenses for families, make homes more affordable, reduce air pollution and decrease carbon footprint.
Transportation and energy make up the largest component of an individual’s carbon footprint. Switching to a renewable source of energy, such as solar energy, is a lifestyle choice that can lower an individual’s carbon footprint and, of course, save electricity.
The North Minneapolis homes are a building project of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, an affiliate of the global nonprofit housing organization working in communities across the U.S. and in 70 countries. Habitat chose the two homes because of their sunlight and electricity potential. The panels will be installed facing the south to absorb the maximum amount of sunlight. Twin Cities Habitat installed solar panels on seven homes in fiscal year 2023. Annually, the nonprofit builds 50-60 homes each year.
Construction for the Northside homes has already begun. The solar panel installation is slated for May 2024.
Solar panels for the North Minneapolis homes are sponsored by the Rotary Club of North Minneapolis, the Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub, and 12 other Rotary Clubs. Total Rotary funding for the project will be $20,500, including a $10,000 Rotary District grant and $10,500 of funds from the 14 Rotary clubs. Funds will pay for the net required, which is the total cost of solar panels and installation, less the federal tax rebate, Minneapolis Green Cost share grant, and utility incentives.
The size of the solar array will be 8 kW DC with 25 solar panels. An 8-kilowatt solar system has the potential to provide enough energy to power an average size household off the grid, according to energy sources. It is the photovoltaic (PV) effect that converts light into electricity, which is why solar power systems are made.
The average cost of installing an 8 kW solar system in the U.S. is around $24,000 but can vary depending on quality and type of the panels, inverters and installation. Cost can be reduced by the 30 percent federal solar tax credit and other state or local incentives. The solar panel project brings an equity component to the use of this renewable form of energy that is often more accessible to middle- and upper-middle income families, says Steve Solbrack, Co-President of the Twin Cities Rotary EcoClub. “Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity has been a great collaborating partner in this initiative,” he says. “We appreciate the great work they do in our communities.”
Sponsoring Rotarians will get together on October 12 and 13 to help with the panel installation. North Minneapolis Rotary and the Twin Cities EcoClub express sincere appreciation to collaborate with fellow Rotarians and Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity on this initiative.
The Rotary Club of North Minneapolis meets every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. All are welcome. For info contact Rotary President Kathleen Hustad at kathleen@bloom44.com.
Pam Russell Warder is a member and President-Elect of Rotary Club of North Minneapolis
Contributions to this article from Steve Solbrack
Do solar panels really save you money?
Solar panels will save you money, but how much you save depends on several factors — direct hours of daily sunlight, and the size and angle of your roof are also important. Local electricity rates and your energy consumption play the most significant roles in determining how much solar panels save. The more you pay for electricity, the more you can offset your bills by producing your own solar energy.
The average homeowner in the U.S. could save $41,986 over 25 years with solar panels, but your savings will vary depending on where you live.
Yes, you will still receive an electric bill after installing solar panels. Your utility bill may not include any charges, it may simply indicate how much net metering credits offset your usage for the month. If you send more electricity to the grid than you pull, your utility will usually roll over these unused bill credits to the next month’s bill. Installing solar panels will almost certainly lead to lower average monthly electric bill charges and may even eliminate what you owe on your monthly electric bill in some cases.
Source: energysage.com