The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) held a public hearing on September 20 on two preferred draft concepts for the project to transform North Commons Park. The public was encouraged to review the preferred draft concept plans and consider providing comments.
Following an April update on the project presented to the Board of Commissioners, the project team developed two preferred draft concept designs: One builds a new recreation center, water park and parking lot – $49 million total project budget. One renovates the existing recreation center and builds an addition, plus a new water park and parking lot – $35 million total project budget. Visit minneapolispolisparks.org.
Current project funding and potential next steps: To date, MPRB and the Minneapolis Parks Foundation have raised approximately $22 million for this project.
If the Board’s Planning Committee approves either plan on September 20, the full Board of Commissioners will vote on the issue on Wednesday, October 4. The Planning Committee and the full Board, at their discretion, may make one of the following decisions:
• Approve the renovation/addition concept and ask staff to begin design development and fundraising efforts to achieve a $35M project.
• Approve the new construction concept design and ask staff to continue fundraising efforts to achieve a $49M project.
• Approve both draft concept designs and ask staff to return with a funding update in the summer of 2024.
• Decline to approve either concept design.
• Take an action of their own choosing.
View the North Commons Park plans at minneapolisparks.org.