On September 21 Northside community members, led by A Mother’s Love, came together to surprise MPD 4th Precinct Inspector Charlie Adams with a celebration to recognize all he has done, and continues to do, for both the MPD and our community. Among the many people who spoke about Charlie were Mayor Frey, Chief of Police O’Hara, councilpersons LaTrisha Vetaw and Jeremiah Ellison, Attorney General Kieth Ellison, MFD Chief Bryan Tyner community member Buzzy Bohn, Lisa Clemons from A Mother’s Love.
Inspector Adams grew up on the Northside, graduated from North High and has always cared about our community. He’s also an assistant football coach for the North High Polars (his son Charles Adams the III is the head coach) and his daughter is also an MPD officer. Inspector Charlie Adams has shown a commitment to the Northside and many wanted to let him know how much we appreciate it.