
Upcoming Events

FNA Board Elections:

Tuesday, October 3, 6:30 p.m. at 3701 Fremont Ave N

Folwell Residents- We need you.

-Are you passionate about making our community a better place?

-Are you looking for ways to get involved in our neighborhood?

-Would you like to help plan fun events and ways to help your neighbors?           

-Do you have a few hours a month to meet new people in a casual atmosphere?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider joining our Neighborhood Board. We are in need of a few good people to add new ideas and continue the long tradition of the FNA.

Even if you aren’t interested in joining the board, come out and see what we have accomplished this year in our “Year in Review” and share a meal from “Wha’ Jamaican” catering. We would love to have you.

Neighborhood Pumpkin Party in The Story Garden: Saturday October 21, Evening

          It’s everyone’s favorite night of the year. We will have free pumpkins, treats, bonfire, games and activities. The Story Garden is located at 35th and Humboldt- we will send out more information via email and Facebook as time draws near.

Save the Date:

November 12- Sage Rolling class with Markella from The DREAM SHOP

November 14- FNA Community night

November 28- Tea Blending class with Sovereign Starts

