Taurus Moon for healing and wholeness

By Susan Curnow Breedlove

The mission of Taurus Moon in North Minneapolis is to create safe and supportive spaces where women and adolescent girls can seek healing and wholeness in sisterhood and are empowered and enabled to thrive. Taurus Moon currently provides free and donation-based individual and group women’s health coaching, weekly yoga and group exercise classes, self-care circles, and holistic wellness workshops. They also facilitate after-school and summer programs for local youth and retreats for adults and adolescents. This non-profit began in 2015 by Jocelyn Lovick, a Henry High teacher and Camden resident. The board of directors consists of eight women, five of whom are Henry High staff members.   

Within the Henry High walls, Lovick teaches classes of Chicano/Latino Studies, Spanish 2, Spanish for Spanish Speakers, and “For the Sol.”  For the Sol, led by Lovick, is a health and wellness class for which students acquire elective credit. “This class has changed my life. It taught me how to love myself,” says junior Miracle Johnson. Some young Henry men are clamoring for a similar class for them. 

 Other activities hosted by Taurus Moon for this summer include: A group of 17 young ladies, all from Henry, will be traveling to Minneopa State Park on June 30 staying from Friday through Sunday among waterfalls and buffalo. Most have never been camping. They will sleep in tents, cook, hike, kayak and gather in a circle at nighttime discussing topics such as: What does it mean to be a girl in 2023? How does our outside world affect us? What are our reflections on sisterhood and community? How are we conditioned by our social world? What messages do we get as youth in North Minneapolis in the area of holistic health and wellness, female empowerment, and social/emotional learning?

On July 11 a summer girl’s group will begin in partnership with Henrietta Couillard of Henry’s School Based Clinic which is a City of Minneapolis agency. This program is open to 9-12th graders, with a focus on Northside youth. (Subsequent dates to be set); Wellness for educators will be held twice a week incorporating a fitness component; Women’s Wellness Circle, a partnership with Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization and the City of Minneapolis, begins Tuesday, June 27; and Yoga on the Victory Memorial Parkway is open to everyone (36th and Xerxes) on Saturday mornings from 10:30-11:30. Mats are available. Lovick says, “You are invited to try yoga even if you haven’t done it before.” Call 612-281-6942 for more info.

Lovick observes that, “The need for the programs and services Taurus Moon provides has grown, especially since Covid. People are longing for meaningful community connection and for healing and sisterhood.” Everything is donation based. If you would like to contribute, mail checks to 3538 Xerxes Avenue North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55412 made out to Taurus Moon or make your contribution via PayPay, CashApp or Venmo. Here are the links:  Venmo @TaurusMoonMpls and CashApp @ $TaurusMoonMpls

Note the origin of the name of the organization Taurus Moon:  Being able to heal and thrive. Astrologically speaking, the Taurus moon sign is enjoying life with all of your senses.