On Sunday, May 7, North United Methodist Church (NUMC) held a closing celebration and deconsecration of the building at 4350 Fremont. The church has served the Camden area of Minneapolis for 170 years and had been on the corner of Fremont and what is now Webber Parkway for 144 years. Like many churches, the NUMC congregation was aging and getting smaller. For a while it was working with the Brooklyn United Methodist Church in Brooklyn Center and they were sharing pastors and holding services at both sites, but eventually the decision was made to close NUMC.
The final service and celebration, which brought back a number of families who had moved away, was led by former Pastors Rev. Kathy Schuler and Rev. Linda Koelman, and also by Rev. Suzanne Mades who grew up attending NUMC. Organist Joan Carey was there to share her beautiful music as she has for many years. The declaration of deconsecration and declaration for disbanding a congregation were led by District Superintendent Rev. Dan Johnson. After the service, the congregation shared one last meal together and did a lot of reminiscing and hugging.
A new church congregation, New Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, “The Church Without Walls” which is led by Senior Pastor Bishop D.L. Bryant-Kemp Sr., has already moved into the building. They have both food give-aways and a clothes closet. Their phone number is 612-567-1660 and they also have a FaceBook page.
Hopewell Music Cooperative will be staying in the building!
While it’s sad to see an institution that was so much a part of the community for so many years close, it’s good to know that the building will continue to be used and be part of the community going into the future.
For those who may need proof of baptism or confirmation at NUMC, all the records have now been transferred to the Minnesota Annual Conference records and historical files. You may call Heidi Heller, Archivist/Record Manager and Database Coordinator for the Annual Conference at 612-230-6149 to ask for whatever proof/dates you need.