Love those monarchs

This article was written by Hannah Henricksen

Ever wonder where all our beautiful monarch butterflies go in winter? Did you know they migrate south just like birds do!? Monarchs that spend their summers in Minnesota migrate south to Central Mexico for the winter.

During springtime, overwintering monarchs (monarchs that have spent their winter in Mexico) start their migration north. As they make their journey north, monarchs stop along the way in the southern United States, mating and laying eggs. The children and grandchildren (the first generation) of the overwintering monarchs continue the journey north to Minnesota, arriving in late May to early June, so keep an eye out for them this month! During the summer months, monarchs continually breed. Over the summer in Minnesota, we may see two to three generations of monarchs. Come August, the monarchs we see here (the fourth generation) start their unfamiliar journey south to Central Mexico. This generation is referred to as the migratory generation. Their fall migration is different than the spring migration in that it is completed in one generation, without stops to mate and lay eggs. Once their migration is complete, these monarchs spend their winter in the forested mountains of Central Mexico.

This fourth or migratory generation of monarchs rely on instincts to make their journey south; they don’t have their parents from four generations back to learn from. Their instincts help them use the sun as a compass, along with the earth’s magnetic field as a compass. Imagine flying 3,000 miles only using the sun and magnets to help you!       

May programs at Kroening Nature Center

Nature Nuts Storybook Stroll · Every Wednesday, May 3-24, 9:30–10:30 a.m. $2/child for ages 2-6 with an adult (activity # varies). Read a nature-themed story as you take a walk outside and look for nature. Different stories each week curated by naturalists!

Trail Treasures · Saturday May 6, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free for all ages (activity #136235) Explore park paths in search of nature’s treasures! Use different tools like binoculars and magnifying glasses to get a closer look at what’s hidden outside. All experience levels welcome to enjoy the outdoors.

Bird Watching: Feathered Fridays · Friday May 12, 9-10:30 a.m. $2/person ages 18+ (activity #140527). Learn the basics of birding through the park with a naturalist. No prior birding experience necessary. Binoculars provided.  

Bird Watching: Spring Migration · Saturday May 13, 9-10:30 a.m. Free for all ages (activity #136205). Join us as we look for the first of our summertime birds and many others just passing through. No prior birding experience necessary. Binoculars provided.

Mississippi Mermaid Magic · Saturday May 13, 1-3 p.m. Free for all ages (activity #144084). Join Phyllis Chatham, the Lady of the Lakes, to make mermaid treasures and hear tales of freshwater mermaids. Learn from a naturalist about the real tails and scales of our Mississippi fish friends.

Outdoors: Plants for Pollinators · Thursday May 18, 1:30-3 p.m. Free for all ages (activity #136301). Join a naturalist on a hike through the park to see pollinator habitats and discover ways to help support pollinators while searching for them in action.

Build a Chair Workshop with Elpis · Saturday May 20, 10 a.m.-noon. $160/person ages 18+ (activity #136212). Build your own Adirondack chair in the park while guided by the expertise of Elpis Enterprises. All materials and tools provided. *You will need to provide your own transportation of your chair after the program.

Campfire Date Night · Saturday May 20, 6:30-8 p.m. $3/person ages 18+ (activity #136215). Bring a date out for an evening in nature! Use teamwork to find answers to nature riddles around a campfire, practice interactive skills development such as bird watching or animal tracking, and go for a nature walk along the Mississippi River before the night is over.

Campfire Game Night · Friday May 26, 5-7:30 p.m. $2/person ages 6-17 (activity #136217). Get outside for a night of fun and games in the park! Explore a nature topic, play games in the woods and hang out around the campfire.

Warbler Wonders · Saturday May 27, 9-10:30 a.m. Free for all ages (activity #136315). Come hike the park with a naturalist to seek out some elusive warblers. No prior birding experience necessary. Binoculars provided.

Nature Art: Fairy Gardens · Saturday May 27, 1-2:30 p.m. $15/person for all ages (activity #136247). Craft an enchanting living work of art that will invite the good luck fairies to your home. Explore an imaginary world and create a delightful miniature garden to bring home for the fairies. All materials included. 

Campfire Sing-A-Long · Tuesday May 30, 6-7:30 p.m. Free for ages 18+ (activity #140524). Join us around the campfire, as Dean plays the guitar and leads us in singing songs that are fun, upbeat and harmonious. Bring your own instrument to play along. Take a walk with a naturalist and enjoy making smores as well.