Written by Sheila Scott
Lind Community Garden is located at the corners of 51st Ave N. and Dupont Ave N. The garden was created in 1994 to provide gardening space for our community members who may not have space for a garden, or just need more space to grow flowers and vegetables. The mission is to grow our community.
The garden is a program of and managed by the Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association as a
501(c)(3)Non-Profit program.
We have gardeners of all ages and experience at the Lind Community Garden! Whether you are a master gardener or a novice, everyone is welcome to garden at the Lind Community Garden.
Each garden plot is 6’ x 12’. The fee is $20 per plot. Applications must be filled out, and because the garden is located on Public School property, a background check will be completed. While the deadline is April 30, applications will be accepted until all plots are assigned. Applications are available at the garden, or contact Michealeen at 612-961-9342, M.kelzenberg@msn.com or Ann at 612 272 8858, Annemoe@msn.com.
To kick off the garden season, there will be a garden party on Saturday, May 6, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Light treats and beverages will be provided.