The City’s animal shelter has Saturday hours for pet adoptions once a month. This expanded service is part of Minneapolis Animal Care & Control’s ongoing effort to find good homes for the many dogs, cats and other adoptable animals in its care.
The shelter’s regular hours are 1-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. On the second Saturday of every month, the shelter will be open only for pet adoptions 11 a.m.-3 p.m. and the shelter will be closed the preceding Monday.
Vaccinations and other services performed by Animal Care & Control will continue to be done by appointment. Those appointments can be made online or by calling 311.
Minneapolis Animal Care & Control works with residents to create safe and healthy communities for people and animals. Its staff includes two veterinarians, three veterinary technicians, four animal care technicians and a dozen animal control officers who, among other things, rescue animals, enforce laws pertaining to animal welfare and investigate animal crimes. In addition to staff, volunteers spent more than 7,000 hours of their time working with animals at the shelter. More info on adopting animals, volunteering and supporting Animal Care & Control is available on the City website minneapolismn.gov.