There are so many ways for you to have an impact on our City – and particularly the Northside. Five City boards and commissions have openings for appointments this spring. The City seeks applicants with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences representing the demographics of Minneapolis to strengthen the work of the City. City boards and commissions offer a direct way for residents to advise City leadership about topics important to them. Translation and interpreting is available so all residents can participate.
Applications will be accepted April 1-April 30. The following five City boards and commissions seek applicants for more than 40 positions: Bicycle Advisory Committee; Charter Commission. Minneapolis Workforce Development Board; Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
Boards, commissions and advisory committees
The City of Minneapolis has more than 50 volunteer-based boards, commissions and advisory committees that help shape key policy decisions, represent their community in the City’s administration of services and supply valuable insights. Boards and commissions have brought forward recommendations that resulted in: Renter protections; Wage protections; Bicycle safety infrastructure; Gender-neutral restrooms; Public art; and a ban on a hazardous chemical in dry cleaning.
Boards and commissions fall into a handful of categories: appeal boards, development boards, general advisory boards and special service districts (defined areas within the city with special services).
Appointments to boards and commissions are made twice a year: in the spring and fall.
People can apply and stay up to date on vacancies, position descriptions and timelines by visiting minneapolismn.gov/boards/openings. Potential applicants can find more information at 612-673-2216 or OpenAppointments@minneapolismn.gov.
The newly revised Audit Committee is also seeking applications from anyone interested in serving as one of its four community representatives. It’s the first call for applicants since the restructuring of audit functions under the new Office of City Auditor.
The Audit Committee oversees the work of the City Auditor, with the mission of bringing accountability, transparency and efficiency to all City departments and divisions. Working with the City Auditor, committee members help the City identify and manage a broad range of risks through programmatic audits. Committee members also help shape the audit plan, provide feedback on audit reports and help ensure audit findings are properly addressed.
The City is encouraging residents with interests in government operations, business process improvement, oversight and evaluation, or risk management to learn more about the work of the City Auditor and consider applying to be on the Audit Committee. For info on applying go to minneapolismn.gov, call 612-673-2216 or email OpenAppointments@minneapolismn.gov.