
In 2023, the ViNA Board of Directors plan to give all neighbors a voice by focusing on initiatives that build community connection, build safety, and include youth. Our 2023 Initiatives will include our Livability Committee & Block Ambassador Program, Equitable Engagement, Victory Community Garden, Anti-Racism Initiatives, Events to Connect Neighbors, and our transition to a Volunteer-Run Organization.

•             ViNA Black History Month Book Drive – We continue collecting books featuring Black authors, characters, and stories. Email if you’d like to donate!

•             April 8 – Spring Egg Candy Grab – Watch our website and social media for more details!

•             Upcoming Board and Community Meetings on 2/22 and 3/29 at 6:30 p.m. ViNA office, 2200 N 44th Ave.

•             Community Garden – ViNA has a community food garden at 4501 N. Vincent Ave! Are you interested in having space to grow food or helping organize the garden? Contact us at to express your interest in gardening, volunteering or helping with organization. Spring will be here before you know it!

•             Community Partners & Volunteers – ViNA is currently a volunteer-led organization and looking for community volunteers to partner with our organization. Here are a few opportunities – Spring Candy Grab partners, helpers to coordinate our Annual Garage Sale, entertainment, refreshments, and volunteers as part of Live of the Drive – email us at

•             Visit for more information and resources for our community members!