As the weather begins to change to warmer temperatures, residents will notice an increase in activity with foot traffic in neighborhoods, along with shopping centers. This change will unfortunately bring an increase in suspicious individuals and people seeking easy opportunity to steal. With this in mind, we would like to remind residents the need to immediately report any suspicious activity or individuals to the Minneapolis Police Department. By doing this, the activity can be documented and investigated.
For your personal protection, we recommend you begin your spring with the creation of a departure routine and make sure your home is properly secured, including all doors, windows, garages, patio access, basements, fencing, etc. We always recommend the use of an alarm system, and motion sensor lights which should be focused on your driveway and entry points. Consider leaving indoor lights on while your away in the evening.
Also, you should consider another routine for when you return to your home by ensuring that your vehicle is properly secured, windows completely closed, doors locked and checking the remote locks are functioning by pulling on the door handles. Park in your garage if you have one, making sure it is locked and secured. If you don’t have one, or are unable too, park in a well-lit area on the street.
These simple tips can deter most crime for you and your community. Remember many thieves look for easy targets. Let’s take the time and help prevent crime this spring!