The City recently launched a draft land use regulations that will regulate the primary zoning districts and some overlay districts, with a focus on allowed uses and related development standards throughout Minneapolis. The regulations are critical to achieving the goals of Minneapolis 2040, the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The plan will shape how the city will grow and change over the next two decades so all residents can benefit. Under consideration now are technical aspects of Minneapolis 2040 implementation.
Minneapolis 2040 includes 11 Future Land Use Districts and direction from a variety of policies that guide the creation of zoning regulations. These new and amended regulations are intended to allow a range of uses at a scale and intensity appropriate for each zoning district and provide a greater degree of predictability for residents, businesses, and the development community.
Minneapolis 2040 went into effect on January 1, 2020, following two years of community engagement. The plan guides growth and change with 14 key goals, including eliminating racial disparities, allowing complete neighborhoods, enabling a healthy, sustainable and diverse economy, promoting environmental sustainability and climate change resiliency, increasing access to jobs and housing, and providing for predicable development outcomes.
As required by state law, the City has been working on changing its zoning rules to match the land use guidelines that the City Council already approved with Minneapolis 2040. This technical process has taken several years and includes updating the zoning classification of every property in the city to match Minneapolis 2040. Since the plan’s adoption, the City has implemented Minneapolis 2040 through new ordinances that require affordable housing in new residential development, legalize duplexes and triplexes in Minneapolis’ lowest density residential areas, allow the scale of built form called for by the plan citywide, eliminate minimum parking requirements, and align travel demand management regulations with desired plan outcomes.
The City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing, accept testimony, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The tentative date for this public hearing is March 20. The City Council is expected to vote on the land use regulations in April. Learn more about draft land use regulations and sign up for updates at minneapolis2040.com.