Winter crime prevention tips

As the days have become colder and shorter, the Minneapolis Police Department would like to remind residents of a few tips to help prevent crimes this winter.

  • Criminals often take advantage of the darkness to commit crimes. Be aware of your surroundings as you walk to and from your car, especially at grocery stores, when you run into a convenience store, or while waiting at a bus stop.
  • Continue to lock your homes and keep your garage door closed and secured. Within seconds, thieves can enter an open or unlocked garage and steal items from your car. Oftentimes, identity theft or forgeries quickly follow when the suspect, or suspects, use your credit cards to make unlawful purchases.  
  • Auto thefts known as “puffers, or open ignition” are the classic crime of opportunity. Unless you have a newer model vehicle with an automatic starter, vehicle thefts increase during the winter months because people warm up their cars in front of their home or in their driveway. This may allow a passing auto thief to hop in and steal your car.

Should you see or hear something which seems suspicious, please take a few seconds to call the police. You can remain anonymous. Call 911.

Did you know one of the most effective crime prevention programs is our Block Leader Program. In simple terms, our Block Leader Program is neighbors watching out for each other, and relaying information to a Block Leader. If you are interested in becoming a Block Leader for your block, contact your assigned Crime Prevention Specialist in the 4th PCT.
You can also participate in an online “virtual neighborhood” called Nextdoor. You can sign up at

Be safe!