Update on changing the name of Henry High School

You may recall the article “A timeline leading to establishment and naming of Patrick Henry School” on page 6 and 12 in the October 2022 issue of the Camden Community News. This, the January 2023 issue, will provide: a summary of the process created for renaming the school (see below); a copy of the Minneapolis School Board Resolution directing the Patrick Henry High School community to begin the school’s name change process (Resolution No. 2022-0050, August 16, 2022); and a #WhatsMyName Idea Survey for your input.

Work on the process for renaming the school began this past summer. Student work groups met to identify why the name was going to be changed. They identified criteria for a new name after researching the history of the Henry community, and the stories of other local and national public buildings that have changed their names.

During the past Fall the #WhatsMyName student work group of 12 has been meeting weekly, brainstorming possible name ideas and logos. They have two advisors from the school and two from community organizations. This group is finalizing New Name Criteria by connecting Summer 2022 Criteria with Henry’s School Mission, Vision, and 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. They are now sharing the criteria with school stakeholders, such as you, the readers of Camden News, and asking for your input.

If you have a suggestion for the new name, a mascot, and/or school colors, please fill out and submit the #WhatsMyName Idea Survey in this Camden News issue.

Current criteria under consideration include:

1) A historical figure or person from an under-represented community (deceased) who played an important role or contributed positively to society in ways that supported the success and well-being of the Northside communities. An individual whose principal legacy (key activities, advocacy, accomplishment) for which the individual is most known aligns with or reflects the school’s mission, vision and beliefs, and has a connection to bettering youth, young people, and education.  Preferred: Individual was a champion of education with a connection to Minnesota, ideally North Minneapolis.

2) A name of place in the neighborhood/community with emphasis placed on selecting names of landmarks or places that have historical or geographical significance to North Minneapolis history or the school site.

The next step is to identify a team to continue the name change work including Henry students, Henry alumni, Northside community members, school staff and the Henry principal. Plans are for the completion of a #WhatsMyName website in January. “Listening groups” for the public, virtual and in-person, are being scheduled for January 2023. Call Principal Liza Anderson-Schmid at 668-1923 for updates.

The process for renaming the school is ongoing with student direction and input paramount. During the month of January there will be grade level information assemblies at Henry and Olson schools, the Henry New’s Hour team is putting together a piece on the name change which can be viewed on Henry’s media outlets, and classrooms will receive lessons and activities. Final voting and decision of the proposed name is planned to be sent to the Minneapolis School Board by the end of the school year followed by design work and branding.

Remember, as we continue the journey of renaming our school:      “The Process is the Product,” a quote of Brother Shane Price, rooted in North Minneapolis.

#WhatsMyName Idea Survey

On Tuesday August 16, 2022, the Minneapolis School Board voted unanimously to direct Patrick Henry High School to begin the name change process and to bring forward recommendation for a new name. According to the new resolution, “students, staff, and community members recognize the need for a school name that better represents the values of the community.” 

In late August, a representative and diverse group of Henry students and staff worked together to come up with a set of criteria and processes we could use to survey the community about a new name, a mascot and colors. The purpose of this survey and other events we will hold is to include all stakeholders’ voices about the criteria and ultimately to find a new name.  Your voice is important and invaluable!

Your Name:                            


Which stakeholder group or groups do you identify with? Please check all that apply. *Required


Current Student

Current Parent

Community Member


Community Partner

MPS Central Office Staff

Citywide Student Representatives

School Board members

Your email:

Your phone number:

Your suggestion for a name, mascot, and or colors of the school:

Rationale or support for this or these suggestions:

Submit to: Marcus.Zackery@mpls.k12.mn.us or Marcus Zackery at 612-668-1932.

Or by mail to: Marcus Zachery, Henry High School, 4320 Newton Avenue N. Minneapolis,

                        MN 55412.