Get a “first look” at North Commons Park concept plans

Since the summer, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) staff and the FIHÀN Design+Architecture team have been developing initial concept plans for the project to transform North Commons Park facilities into a Northside hub for arts, recreation, athletics and a host of community activities.

The plans are guided by a broad range of community engagement activities that took place last spring and summer and in 2021, as well as the master plan and guiding principles for North Commons Park.

As design work on the concept plans continued through December, MPRB invites everyone in the North Commons/Northside community to a “first look” gathering right after the new year. Save the date: Tuesday, January 10, 6-8 p.m. at North Commons Community Center gym, 1801 James Ave. N. There will be formal remarks starting around 6:30 p.m. and a light meal will be available to attendees.  

This community meeting is the first of many opportunities for people to review the concept plans, hear from MPRB staff and the design team, and share their feedback.

It kicks off a fresh round of community engagement this winter with people who live, work and play in North Minneapolis. Additional community engagement will take place online, as well as at public meetings, informal open houses, and other community events and in-person gatherings.

MPRB staff began engaging with the community in summer 2021 through a range of activities and events, including community events (such as the Festival of Fathers and Open Streets); events with paid Community Collaborators; online surveys; community open houses; and special Design Week open houses and workshops last June. The result: thousands of “data points” from hundreds of people, summarized in a community engagement report that was finalized in October.

 Can’t make it? Info on additional opportunities to get involved will be shared once they’re confirmed. Visit