For years neighbors come together at the Story Garden to light trees in the darkest of months. We decorate those trees with edible ornaments for the birds, squirrels, bunnies and critters that use the garden as home during the cold long months of winter. The ritual of celebrating light during the month of December crosses over many faiths and religious beliefs. We love taking time to honor light and create a space where the garden continues to give and provide even when it’s cold.
Join us on Sunday, December 4 from 3-5 p.m. at the corner of 35th and Humboldt. We will stay warm with a bonfire, drink hot cocoa, enjoy treats and make birdfeeder ornaments. This event has been a neighborhood favorite for years. We hope you can join us. Bring a treat or a beverage to share. Contact Danielle with any questions at danielle.tietjen@gmail.com.