This article was written by Anne Ulseth
More than 3,000 new gifts and 200 volunteers are needed to make the holidays brighter for 600 Northside youth who will shop for loved ones at the annual PCYC Children’s Gift Sale at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway, on Saturday, December 10.
PCYC’s Gift Sale has been going on for more than 55 years, bringing holiday happiness to many Northside families. To help make the event a continued success, PCYC is seeking new/unused gifts – valued at $10-$25 – for every age group, as youth are shopping for their entire family. A full list of shopping ideas can be found online at pcyc-mpls.org/support/giftsale.
Gifts can be delivered to the Capri stage door or loading dock from 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Monday-Friday, December 5-9. Gifts purchased online can be delivered to PCYC Gift Sale c/o PCYC, 2210 Oliver Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55411. Cash donations can be made online at pcyc-mpls.org/gift-sale-donations/.
To help children experience the joy of giving, the Gift Sale seeks many volunteers who can give their gift of time. Volunteers are needed during the week of December 5 to receive, sort and stock gift tables. Volunteers are also needed the day of the sale to greet shoppers, to help kids shop and to re-stock gift tables.
For more info go to pcyc-mpls.org/support/giftsale or call 612-643-2092.