Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association (LBNA)
FaceBook: Lind-Bohanon Neighborhood Association
LBNA Board Meeting:
Monthly every 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m.
December 8, 7 p.m. Creekview Park
On the agenda: Approving funds for youth, senior and community programming for 2022 and 2023.
LBNA Community Safety Committee
December 8, 6 p.m. Creekview Park
On the agenda: Planning for a future Fire Safety program.
The Community Gardens at Jenny Lind have been put to sleep for the winter. We welcomed the assistance of former LBNA board members Ann Moe, Michaelene Kelzenberg and Steve Trahms as we scrambled to get the gardens cleaned out, the lines blown out, and everything tightened down for the winter. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Emelia Terry has been elected Interim Chair, and Melva Jenkins has been elected Interim Treasurer while we work to create a strong board and neighborhood association. We still have one more position on the board for a neighborhood -oriented resident or business representative.
Any youth interested in volunteering to help shovel for seniors and people with disabilities should contact us and we can put you in touch with the Webber Camden Youth Chore Core.
We thank Nikki Olson Friederich of Creekview Park for all of her help with programming over the years and congratulate her on her new position with St. Louis Park.
Please note: New email and website addresses:
In 2023: We will be looking for a new garden coordinator, bookkeeper and an administrative staff.