Good things happened in the Camden Community this year

This article was written by 4th Ward City Council Member LaTrisha Vetaw

Note: The Camden News asked our City Council Member Vetaw to give us a year-end update for our community.

Hello Camden News readers! I am writing to give a brief year-end update of all the great things happening in our Ward 4. It has been a long year full of new business development, infrastructure improvements and community conversations. Here are some highlights:

Anissa Keyes purchased the building on the corner of 42nd and Lyndale and we are already seeing lots of exciting things happening in there. You can find Heal MPLS in the building, a Black female-owned plant-based café and herb shop serving delicious meals, snacks and beverages to order every day. It is also an amazing environment to meet with friends, get some work done, or just sit and enjoy the day.

Just down the street at 46th and Lyndale, the Mayfield family purchased the Camden Social with help from the City’s Commercial Property Development Fund. The building is already undergoing some major renovations to be finished by the start of the new year. The new Camden Social will be a sexy, sophisticated space to grab a drink after work, have a nice dinner, or spend some time with loved ones. Don’t worry, they will still have karaoke!

Another business making some big moves is Houston White’s Camdentown. Houston White is looking forward to Phase 2 construction of a residential complex next door to the Get Down Coffee Co. with help from a Great Streets 2022 Business District Support Grant. It will have 10 units dedicated to Black business professionals. We are looking forward to the grand-opening and welcoming some new faces to the neighborhood.

Other exciting news on the local business front is Camden resident Amanda Dodds opening her first full-service bike repair shop on the corner of Humboldt and Dowling! Camden Cycles offers maintenance and repair services, refurbished bikes and parts, new accessories, a pickup/drop off service, and a specialty in curated vintage components and restorations. You can also find Amanda and her team hosting classes, community events and consultations. Visit their website for the details!

Following countless complaints and reports of illegal dumping and littering, the Ward 4 Office has partnered with Minneapolis Refuse Inc. (MRI). They have helped us by picking up abandoned furniture, tires, etc. that has been left on Ward 4 residents’ property and in a super timely manner. If you need anything picked up that has been dumped on your property, contact our office at

Demolition, site, and shoreline grading are underway at Upper Harbor Terminal in preparation for street and park construction in 2023-24. In the next couple years, we can look forward to construction of a new north-south parkway, reconstruction of Dowling Ave. and 33rd Ave. N, improvement of Dowling and Washington intersection, construction of riverfront trails, 20 acres of public park, and new and upgraded public utilities.

In terms of infrastructure, the Webber 44 construction project is complete! Webber Parkway between Fremont and Lyndale is now open to traffic. The new design and improvements should provide a better traveling experience for those who walk, roll and bike, as well as those who drive and use transit. There are also new METRO D Line bus shelters for service beginning in December. We are looking forward to it!

Ward 4 can also look forward to having improved street lighting the upcoming year. After meeting with the Northside Youth Council, we began to work closely with Public Works to install a pilot for new LED street bulbs. The pilot is up and operational on 49th Ave. between Colfax and Bryant and on 50th Ave. between Emerson and Dupont. If this pilot is successful, Ward 4 can count on seeing hundreds of other bulbs get updated. In the meantime, if you see a street light that is not operational you can report it to either Xcel Energy (wood poles) or 311 (metal poles). For wood poles you can call Xcel Energy at 1-800-895-1999 or submit a request online by searching “Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting Outage or Report” on your search engine. For metal poles you can call 311, email, or on the 311 app (download the app by searching “Minneapolis 311” in the app store).

Finally, the first 28 days of public safety initiative Operation Endeavor have been completed and a public report has been released. After the first 28 days there has been a marked decrease in gun-related 911 calls, gunshot wound victims and carjackings. There has been 100 guns taken off the streets as well as 2,900 fentanyl pills. There has also been arrests of multiple suspects in ongoing homicide, carjacking and shooting investigations. Operation Endeavor is the first official partnership between MPD and the Department of Neighborhood Safety under the new Office of Community Safety. Additional public reports will be provided regularly.

Without a doubt it has been a busy year and I am honored to bring the voices of Ward 4 to City Hall. Never hesitate to reach out to the Ward 4 Office at or 612-673-2204.