Camden Community schools still need 42 tutors
According to the Nation’s Report Card, approximately two decades of growth for American students in reading and math were wiped away by two years of pandemic-disrupted learning. Data reveals that’s the largest decline observed during an assessment cycle during the last 50 years. Students are now performing at a level last seen two decades ago. High dosage tutoring, like that provided by Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps, is cited as a top solution for recovery. Yet 800 tutors are still needed to support students in Minnesota schools.
Camden Community area schools need 14 reading, eight math and 20 early learning tutors!
The National Assessment of Educational Progress showed average long-term math performance fell for the first time ever, while reading scores had the biggest drop in 30 years due to the pandemic-related issues. Strong evidence indicates that high-dosage tutoring can lead to significant gains. A 2020 meta-analysis concluded that high dosage tutoring could help students make up three to 15 months of learning.
If you’re interested in investing some time to help empower a student through reading go to readingpartners.org. Tutors are fully trained and serve on-site at the school 35, 25 or 18 hours a week. Tutors receive a stipend, education award, health insurance and childcare assistance. Visit join.readingandmath.org to learn more or apply.
Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps are evidence-based AmeriCorps programs dedicated to helping all children become strong learners. Tutors placed in local schools, work one-on-one or in small groups with students to help improve their skills. Rigorous third-party evaluation has consistently shown that students who have Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps make greater gains and faster progress. Building on success in Minnesota, the programs are replicated nationally in 14 states and the District of Columbia. Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps are administrated through the national nonprofit, Ampact (formerly Reading & Math, Inc.). For info visit readingandmath.org.