info@lind-bohanon.org lind-bohanon.org
Lind Bohanon Community Safety Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 6, 7 p.m.
Councilmember Vetaw’s Office, 4205 Webber Parkway N.
Bring your ideas of what you would like to see this committee be responsible for. Let’s get to work.
Lind Bohanon Board Meeting
All Lind Bohanon residents and businesses are welcome
Every 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 13, 7 p.m.
Creekview Park
5001 North Humboldt Avenue
At last month’s meeting the following eight board members were elected to one-year terms:
John Wheeler
Tyler Balbuena
Conner Simms
Sheila Scott
Lee Lafayette
Mike Terry
Emelia Terry
Melva Jenkins
Shaneen Moore
Tope Daniels
We are still looking for up to three more board members to help our neighborhood a welcome and supportive place for all residents and businesses.