There are changes coming to the Blue Line. The METRO Blue Line Extension is beginning work on a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In 2016, the Metropolitan Council published a Final Environmental Impact Statement and Determination of Adequacy, based on the preferred project route at that time. Since then, the project has pivoted away from portions of the original route requiring this supplemental EIS. You can give your comments on this through November 7.
The route modification process was documented in a draft report, available for public review and comment, and a final report published in April 2022. In June 2022, the Metropolitan Council and Hennepin County identified the final recommended route to advance in design and environmental review.
The Supplemental EIS will focus on potentially significant changes to the project based on the identification of the METRO Blue Line Extension recommended route. The full range of environmental, social and economic impacts will be evaluated as was presented in the Final EIS. A draft of the Supplemental EIS is expected in the fall or early winter of 2023, with the Supplemental Final EIS anticipated in 2024.
The scope of the METRO Blue Line Extension Supplemental EIS is available to view on the project website. The public is encouraged to comment on the scope of the Supplemental EIS through November 7. Visit bluelineext.org and leave an online comment; email Environmental Compliance Lead Neha Damle at neha.damle@metrotransit.org; or U.S. mail, Neha Damle, Environmental Lead, Blue Line Extension Project Office, 6465 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 500, St. Louis Park, MN 55426.
Cultural resources studies are needed to determine if there are historic properties, those eligible for or listed in the National Register of Historic Places, that may be affected by the METRO Blue Line Extension project. Field survey of historical architectural properties will include documenting buildings and structures (primarily from public right-of-way) with photography. This documentation will inform analysis to determine their National Register eligibility.
Info: MyBlueLineExt.org to share your vision for light rail in our community.