
Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization
Office: 1206 37th Ave N | P: 612-521-2100 | E: info@wcno.org | Web: wcno.org

Office Hours: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, or by appointment

WCNO is looking back at a busy summer and is thankful to be part of such an active and connected community. What was your favorite event in Webber-Camden this summer? Let us know in an email or voicemail. Send pics if you got them!

A big, big thanks to the Annual Community BBQ sponsors and partners – too numerous to share here, but listed on our official Facebook page (facebook.com/webbercamden). We’re excited to continue the BBQ next year. Already know you want to be involved? Get in touch with us! National Night Out was once again a huge success. Despite the heat, multiple neighborhood organizations and businesses were out and about. Thank you to all the existing and new block clubs who provided a night of entertainment and togetherness. We can’t wait to see what happens next year. In the meantime contact our Board member, monica.colberg@wcno.org, if you want to start a block club or get connected to an existing one.

Upcoming Sep 12 Board Meeting – Special Notice

@ Webber Rec Center (4400 Dupont Ave N)

Start time: 6:30 p.m.

The Board will vote on re-establishing a number of housing programs. These programs help community members buy homes, complete repairs, and some are for helping our residents 62+ age in their own homes. We encourage anyone who can to come! If you can’t join us, please email info@wcno.org or call 612-521-2100 and leave a voicemail to get in touch and talk!

In the Works

WCNO is excited to build on existing business partnerships. Stay tuned for news about an Oct. 1 Business Fair.

Contact: rochelle.washington@wcno.org

The Youth Committee is partnering with Brandon Jones, MA (Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health), who has extensive experience with violence impacted youth. Series will focus on healthy relationships, trauma overview, grief and forgiveness, and self-care. Contact: rashawyn.gravdal@wcno.org.