Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization
Office: 1206 37th Ave N | P: 612-521-2100 | E: info@wcno.org | Web: wcno.org
Office Hours: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, or by appointment
Thank you to all our community members and all who attended the second annual Webber-Camden Community BBQ! We look forward to seeing you again next year at our BBQ! Here’s what’s coming up for WCNO in August.
August Events:
National Night Out – Tues., Aug. 2, afternoon to early evening
Registered block club leaders and community businesses will host a series of outdoor events this Tuesday evening on Aug. 2. Grab your family, friends, and meet us outside for some neighbor time! It’s a great night to spend going around the neighborhood. Most activities start late afternoon to early evening. Some people have big things planned – bouncy houses, music, vendors, and more!
Camden Collective* Ice Cream Social – Sat., Aug. 20, 4 p.m.-7 p.m.
Camden Collective is hosting their back to school and ice cream social event. The WCNO Youth Council is helping out. Come enjoy ice cream at a great community organization and get in the back to school mindset. At 4150 Dupont Ave. N (Salem Lutheran Church).
Board Meeting – Special Notice
At the Monday, August 8 meeting, the Board will vote on whether to re-establish an existing contract with the Center for Energy and Environment. These loans help community members buy homes, complete needed repairs, and some are focused to help our residents 62+ age in their own homes. Email info@wcno.org or leave a voice mail at 612-521-2100 if you want to join the meeting. We encourage anyone who can to come!
We’re always looking for new community members to connect and work with. Contact us with an idea, a need, or to sign up for the monthly newsletter.
*Editor note: Our June post listed Camden Cycles vs Camden Collective as the organizer for the Back to School Event and Ice Cream Social. Apologies for any confusion!