Open Streets Minneapolis is more than a street festival—it brings communities together. On Saturday, September 10 from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. car traffic will be closed on West Broadway between Penn and Lyndale Avenues. The street will be completely open for people to explore their community in a uniquely connected way.
Open Streets is part of a global movement to make streets places that put people first. During these free, family-friendly events, local nonprofit Our Streets Minneapolis partners with the City of Minneapolis to temporarily close major thoroughfares to car traffic, opening them to people biking, walking, rolling and connecting with neighbors and local businesses.
Open Streets events help us experience streets as public spaces where communities thrive. For one day congested city streets become vibrant, pedestrian-friendly boulevards where people can dream, play and explore. Local businesses, artists and community groups transform their streets, showcasing the diversity, creativity and culture of Minneapolis. Open Streets Minneapolis events aim to fundamentally change in how people think about their city streets.
Open Streets West Broadway is co-hosted by the West Broadway Business and Area Coalition. For info contact openstreets@westbroadway.org.