This article was written by Deanna Averill
Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, trees are budding and…..the Tour de Camden bike ride will be here before you know it. Tour de Camden is a leisurely bike ride put on by your Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association (SCNA). This event started back in 2006 to promote our Northside community. This family friendly event rides through the neighborhoods of Camden which include Shingle Creek, Lind-Bohanon, Cleveland, Victory, Folwell and Webber-Camden.
The ride starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 16 beginning and ending at Creekview Park, located at 5001 Humboldt Ave. N. Bike helmets are required to be worn by all riders
There will be a bike mechanic on site to help check out your bike if needed, so please arrive early if your bike needs a tune up. Major Taylor Bike Club will be providing road support during the ride again this year.
SCNA would like to thank our sponsors for making this ride possible. Thank you to North End Hardware, Dancing Bear Chocolate, Install This, Camden News, Camden Cycle and Major Taylor Bike Club.
Come out and join us July 16 as we tour our community from the seat of a bike!