More ways to have your say! Northsiders can help design a new community center, water park and playground at North Commons Park!
The North Commons Park-Phase 1 Improvements project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rebuild and transform the park’s facilities into a Northside hub for arts, recreation, athletics and a host of other community activities.
The new community center, water park and renovated playground are key elements of the master plan for North Commons Park, approved in 2019 as part of the North Service Area Master Plan covering all Northside neighborhood parks.
Planned improvements include: Demolition of the current recreation center and construction of a community center to serve various Northside needs, including expanded gym space; community rooms; arts and media spaces; and youth oriented gathering spaces; reconfigured parking in a new location to improve efficiency, access and safety; relocation and reconstruction of the water park (last renovated in 1997); and renovation of the playground.
You can stop by in-person at the recreation center (1801 James) to weigh in on ideas and options for the community center, water park and playground; share your own ideas and concerns; and get answers to your questions. If you prefer one-on-one, informal discussions to large group meetings, then office hours are for you. Drop in anytime during regularly scheduled hours, 3:30-5 p.m. to meet and talk with project staff, learn about the project and share your ideas. Office hours are held every month, same place and time, on Wednesdays, June 22, July 27 and August 24.
Upcoming opportunities: Thursday, June 2, 6-8 p.m. in-person open house; and Wednesday, June 22, 3:30-5 p.m. You can take the online survey anytime at surveymonkey.com/r/NorthCommonsSurvey.
Stop by during Design Week – June 27 to June 30: Kick-off & Community Open House, on Monday, June 27, 4:30-6:30 p.m.; Open Design Studio on Wednesday, June 29, noon-3 p.m.; Wrap-Up & Community Open House on Thursday, June 30, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
More info at minneapolisparks.org.