Middle school-age scholars: Join us for Summer Camp Capri

Middle school scholars: Register now for Summer Camp Capri, July 5-August 5, free at the Capri. See thecapri.org. Photo by Asha Belk.

Summer Camp Capri is a five-week adventure filled with fun, art-full joy, including the chance for middle school-age students to perform in a musical on the Capri Theater stage. (Musical to be announced.) This super summer arts immersion program runs Monday thru Friday, July 5- August 5, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Capri, 2027 West Broadway. Performances will be held on Wednesday, August 3 and Thursday, August 4.
Participants must have completed grades 5-8 in the 2021-22 school year. The program is free, and enrollment is limited to 25. (A waiting list will be formed once capacity is reached.) Registration is open now at thecapritheater.org.

Students will dive into several arts disciplines as they prepare for the performance of the musical. They’ll learn from some of the best teaching artists in the biz, too, including directors Dennis Spears and Greta Oglesby; Diane Robinson from Hollywood School of Dance; musical director, Kimberly Keaton; percussionist Chico Perez; theatrical costumer and crafter, Julie Acton; company manager, Jennifer Whitlock, and maybe some surprise guest artists!

“Summer Camp Capri is such a great opportunity for middle school age kids to step out and step up to an inspiring arts experience,” said Capri Director James Scott. “It’s a time for them to discover their inner talents, have lots of fun, and perform a musical for this community – always a highlight of the summer on the Northside.”

Registration and more info: thecapri.org.