If you’ve ever wanted to sing in a choir but never have, or if you’ve sung in many choirs but never in a choir that J.D. Steele directs, or if you’re just up for some time to be together in harmony with all sorts of people from all walks of life, the Capri Glee! adult community choir is for you!
This year’s rehearsals for the Capri Glee! spring session run from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights from May 3 through May 31, with a final performance at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7 at the newly renovated Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. Rehearsals will be held outdoors on the Plaza at the Capri, weather permitting, or if not, inside in the Paradise Community Hall or the Capri Theater. There is no fee to participate, but advance registration is required at thecapri.org.
The choir is open to singers age 18 and up, of all abilities and experience levels. The repertoire varies each session, from gospel and classical music, to R & B and soul. J.D. Steele directs the choir in a style that makes everyone comfortable and yet challenged to do their best. His brother, Fred Steele, is the piano accompanist for rehearsals, leads the band for the performance, and assists the bass singers with their parts. Anyone who’s sung in Capri Glee! will tell you that it’s a real joy to gather each week to learn and sing – and laugh! – with these master musicians.
Note that as of this writing, masks are still required indoors at the Capri, but are optional when rehearsing outdoors. The Capri is equipped with a new, state-of-the art bipolar ionization air flow system as recommended by the CDC. Registered singers will be notified of any changes in COVID safety protocols, and info will be posted on the Capri’s website and social media as well. Register now to sing this spring at thecapri.org!