
Mission: We aim to promote, facilitate and foster meaningful opportunities for residents and businesses of the neighborhood.

Guiding Principles: Increase and promote inclusion and equity of those traditionally underrepresented in Victory; rental and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) residents. 


Victory Neighborhood Association wants to thank everyone who participated in our Black History Month Book Drive. We aimed to increase representation and access of Black authors, Black stories and Black trailblazers in the Victory neighborhood through this book drive. We appreciate all who donated books and assisted in delivering the donated books to the Little Free Libraries throughout Victory neighborhood. We also want to give a big thank you to the local businesses who volunteered to be book donation drop off sites: Reflections Barbershop, Corner Coffee, Hot Comics and Dancing Bear Chocolates.


Victory neighborhood association along with many other neighborhood organizations across the city are continuing to experience a reduction in our annual city funding. This reduction in funding is due to the Neighborhoods 2020 engagement process the City of Minneapolis put forth to redefine roles and expectations for neighborhood organizations that received funding through the Community Participation Program (CPP).  This reduction in funding also includes an increase in funding requirements to obtain these reduced funds. These funds are what ViNA uses to provide programming, activities and services to the Victory residents. In response, the Victory Neighborhood Association has been working through the process of organizational strategic planning and re-structuring.

Volunteer Opportunity

ViNA is looking for volunteers to assist us with our upcoming events and to join our livability committee. Please reach out to if you are interested in getting involved. You can also call us at 612-529-9558.

To learn more about our programs, services, how you can get involved or to see our calendar of meetings and events, please visit

To contact us, please email us at or call us at 612-529-9558