
Mission: We aim to promote, facilitate and foster meaningful opportunities for residents and businesses of the neighborhood.

Guiding Principles: Increase and promote inclusion and equity of those traditionally underrepresented in Victory; rental and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) residents. 

We here at ViNA, hope you are enjoying the winter season and off to a good start in the new year!

Getting Involved. Board of Directors Opening

ViNA has one open board position available. Board members serve a two- year term. If you are interested in serving your community in a meaningful way, consider joining our board of directors. To learn more, please reach out to our office at 612-529-9958 or email at

ViNA is looking for volunteers to assist us with our upcoming events. Volunteers are needed in order to ensure our neighborhood events are successful and meaningful to all residents in Victory. Please reach out to if you are interested in getting involved. You can also call us at 612-529-9558.

Another way to engage in the community and assist us with meeting our mission is to join one of our committees.

ViNA Committee Schedule. All committees meet in the evenings currently using an online platform due to COVID-19.

  • Environmental Committee meets 1st Tuesday of the month
  • Anti-Racism Discussions meets 1st Thursday of the month
  • Events Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
  • Livability Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month

Currently our Board and Neighborhood meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month in the evening using an online platform. (Dates and times may be subject to change.)

To learn more about our programs, services, how you can get involved or to see our calendar of meetings and events, please visit

To contact us, please email us at or call us at 612-529-9558