Tips for saving on energy bills this winter

With colder temperatures, Xcel Energy offers a range of tips and programs to help customers save on their energy bills as we head into the winter heating season. They also encourage you to reach out if you’re having trouble paying your energy bills, so they can help with payment plans or connect you to energy assistance programs that can help.

Take steps to save

While natural gas continues to be the most affordable way to heat a home, with prices higher than usual, it’s a good time to consider ways to conserve energy as we head into the heating season.

Here are ways you can save energy and money this winter:

•     Lower your thermostat a few degrees, ideally to 68 degrees or lower.

•     Adjust your programmable thermostat to automatically lower the temperature while you are away or while you sleep.

•     During daylight hours, open drapes and blinds to maximize heat from direct sunlight. To retain heat, keep them closed when it is dark.

•     Run ceiling fans in a clockwise direction to push warm air down from the ceiling, adding comfort and savings.

•     Keep interior doors open to help circulate air more freely and maintain constant heating levels.

Find more ways to save on the energy savings tips page on Customers can also learn more about programs, incentives and rebates that can help make homes and businesses more energy efficient.

Customers are encouraged to contact us if they’re having trouble paying their bill. We can provide options like payment plans and energy assistance programs. Customers can learn more about energy assistance programs and resources on the website or by calling 1-800-895-4999. 

For more information on the increase in natural gas prices and ways to save, visit