My name is LaTrisha Vetaw and I am the newly-elected City Council Member for Ward 4 in North Minneapolis. I represent the Shingle Creek, Lind-Bohanon, Victory, Webber-Camden, Cleveland, Folwell, McKinley and Jordan neighborhoods. I also represent a portion of Willard-Hay—which is the neighborhood my husband Ronald and I call home.
For the past two decades, I’ve been working to improve the health of Northside residents. I worked at NorthPoint Health & Wellness, Inc. for the past 15 years. I served in a variety of roles there, most recently I was the Director of Health Policy and Advocacy. In this role I brought together coalitions of hundreds of community members and young people to push for public health policy change at the state and local levels. Coalition-building comes naturally to me—something I attribute to my status as a middle child. I plan to bring my coalition-building skills to my work on the City Council. I’ll work hard to hear all sides and find areas of agreement.
My top priorities as your City Council Member are to improve public safety and to serve the people of Ward 4. I want to hear from you. I hope you will reach out and let me know what is important to you. Contact my Senior Policy Aide Betsy Brock (betsy.brock@minneapolismn.gov) or Junior Policy Aide Maggie Kohl (maggie.kohl@minneapolismn.gov) to schedule a meeting with me if you are interested.
I pledge to be accessible to you. You can come see me downtown at City Hall or at our “new” community office in the ward. I know getting downtown and paying for parking can be difficult and inconvenient. So, I’ve decided to transition my campaign office (4205 Webber Parkway) to a community office. I am committed to fundraising in order to cover the ward office expenses as these costs are not covered by the City of Minneapolis budget. I plan to hold regular office hours and community gatherings at the ward office. Watch for an update from me on exact hours of office operation. I am also willing to meet virtually if that is more comfortable for you.
I look forward to serving you and meeting you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with your questions and concerns. My team and I are here to help! Follow us on Facebook (@minneapolisward4) or Twitter (@MplsWard4) for all the latest information.
LaTrisha Vetaw,
Ward 4