Camp Capri S3 (CCS3) is a great way for youth in grades 5-8 to dive into the arts. Sessions are held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the newly expanded Capri, 2027 West Broadway. Lunch is served, masks are required; and CCS3 is free, but registration is required each month at thecapri.org.
The new year is bringing some exciting opportunities for CCS3 arts explorers.
January 15: Theatrical costumer and crafter Julie Acton will lead an exploration into the art of clothing and costume design.
February 12 (note this is the second, not third, Saturday of the month): Northside artist Kenneth Caldwell brings an adventure in ceramics to our CCS3 youth, with a focus on Black History Month.
March 19: Z Puppets Rosenschnoz presents a glow-in-the-dark sea creature workshop, where youth will make blacklight puppets and explore how to perform with them.
April 16: TBD
May 21: Artist, illustrator and muralist Briauna Williams’ arts activity is still in the planning stages. More info will be listed soon on the Capri’s website.
Up to 25 students can participate in each session. No previous arts experience necessary. Registration is open now at https://tinyurl.com/CampCapriS3. Questions may be directed to company manager Kiana Batteau, kianabatteau@gmail.com 612-559-6289. More info: thecapritheater.org.