This article was written by Em Matson
The Webber-Camden Neighborhood Organization (WCNO) had a busy year in 2021. The uncertainty of COVID continued to present new challenges. However, that didn’t stop our group of dedicated neighbors from working hard to make the Webber-Camden neighborhood a better and more connected place to live.
In the early spring of 2021, the WCNO Board focused on building a strong infrastructure for the
organization going forward with strategic planning. The new mission of WCNO was decided: Empowering Collaboration and Connection to Create a Thriving and Equitable Community for All. A Forum for Connections & Voices, A Vibrant Neighborhood for All, and Supportive Neighbors were identified as primary strategies for the organization. Events like the First Annual Webber-Camden Summer BBQ or the Fall Festival were made possible because of the hard work of neighbors and organizations like the Lions, Project Jamar Saving Me, Camden Cycles, the Camden Collective and others!
2021 also saw WCNO teamed up with other neighborhood organizations to create strong, cross-neighborhood connections. Along with events such as the Spring Cleanup in partnership with the Folwell Neighborhood Association and Friday Night Open Mic, the Ward 4 Candidate Forum was put together with other neighborhood organizations and the League of Women Voters to provide community members an opportunity to hear from Ward 4 candidates for this past year’s election. Shingle Creek, McKinley, Folwell and Webber-Camden with the Cookie Cart teamed up to work with youth as a part of a grant from the Office of Violence Prevention secured by WCNO. Youth worked together to discuss issues of safety in the neighborhood and create messaging around the issue, coming up with the “Kids just wanna play, put the guns away” slogan that was printed on yard signs for residents. They spoke to neighbors and surveyed over 170 community members about their ideas of safety. Results were used to guide a portion of WCNO’s planning for 2022.
Youth was a huge focus at WCNO this past year, as many have felt isolated and underserved because of COVID and violence. The Northside Youth Crew was created. This team of young individuals worked together to help their neighbors with yard clean up, shoveling and gardening. This summer also spawned the popular Northside 3-on-3 Tournament. This was immensely popular with youth, giving them a place to spend some of their summer evenings in community with their neighbors, teachers and other community volunteers in a friendly but competitive environment. Many neighbors were very generous in donating food, funds and promotion as well. WCNO started its Paypal account to receive donations!
In addition to all this programming, WCNO also spent a lot of effort gathering information from neighbors regarding what they see as issues in the community. Along with the safety survey led by the youth, WCNO Board Members went door-knocking to discuss issues like homeownership, rental issues, safety concerns and other pressing topics. This data will help lead efforts in 2022 to help address these issues, getting to the specific problems facing our neighbors.
With all of the work done in 2021, we are excited to enter 2022 with a fresh burst of energy. Newly elected board members filled with energy joined our well-trained 2021 board members to launch the strategic plan. Communications have been enhanced with a fresh website, monthly newsletter, and other social media that serve as hubs of information. An Equitable Engagement Plan will guide our work to build a framework, tools and resources to marginalized communities within our neighborhood. Two new grants from the Office of Violence Prevention and Hennepin County will provide resources that allow youth to continue to be a large part of WCNO programming.
Three new part-time community outreach organizers will join the staff as a result of these grants.
WCNO will also be initiating its new resident and nonprofit safety program, and continuing the Business Facade Program funded in 2021. WCNO sent out 400 postcards to local businesses to identify needs and interests in 2021 and is now working in partnership with the Upper North Business Association to launch a business portal in 2022.
We can’t wait to see what the future holds! Come join us and contribute to our great neighborhood! Check out wcno.org.