
Mission: We aim to promote, facilitate and foster meaningful opportunities for residents and businesses of the neighborhood.

Guiding Principles: Increase and promote inclusion and equity of those traditionally underrepresented in Victory; rental and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) residents. 


We would like to thank everyone who participated in our community COVID-19 clinics at Patrick Henry High School on November 2 and November 23. This was a great turn out. This was a partnership with Henry High School, Black Nurses Rock, Hennepin Health and the City of Minneapolis. We also want to thank the Stairstep Foundation for their support.

Getting Involved. Are you interested in serving your community? Consider joining one of our Committees.

ViNA Committee Schedule. All committees meet in the evenings using an online platform.

  • Environmental Committee meets 1st Tuesday of the month
  • Anti-Racism Discussion meets 1st Thursday of the month
  • Events Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
  • Livability Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month
  • Business committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month

To learn more about our programs, services, how you can get involved or to see our calendar of meetings and events, please visit

To contact us, please email us at or call us at 612 529-9558.