Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) Superintendent Al Bangoura presented his recommended 2022 budget at a recent board meeting and there are opportunities for the public to review and comment on it. Public comment times are scheduled for November 3, 17 and December 1, 8.
The recommended budget addresses the ongoing challenges caused by COVID-19, protects park assets, including physical infrastructure and park amenities, and includes a historic investment in the MPRB’s most important priority: our city’s youth.
The Board of Commissioners provided clear direction that closing the gap for youth investment with on-going sustainable funding through the property tax levy was its foremost priority for 2022. This is the fourth year the MPRB has been working toward increasing funding for youth. This year, through ongoing conversations with Commissioners, Mayor Frey, City Council members, and Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) members, Superintendent Al Bangoura reached a historic agreement to increase youth investments by $2.6 million through a combination of gradual increases in property taxes and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding allocations. In 2022, this investment in youth is provided through a $1.3 million increase in the MPRB property tax levy and a commitment from the Mayor to allocate $1.3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the MPRB in 2022. The Mayor also provided for an ongoing commitment of gradual annual increases ($260,000) to the MPRB property tax levy from 2023 through 2027 to meet the full $2.6 million in youth investment requested by the Board as well as an ongoing commitment of ARPA funding for 2023 and 2024 ($1,092,000 and $875,400, respectively).
According to Bangoura, the need for youth investments is outlined in the MPRB’s 2019 Closing the Gap: Investing in Youth report.
Bangoura also noted that parks are vital to the community and that both 2020 and 2021 required responsiveness and testing of new ways of serving the public. His proposed 2022 budget builds on this work, supports innovation and addresses new pressures.
View the proposed budget and related documents at minneapolisparks.org/budget or call 612-230-6400 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.