Tape Art
Students in Ms. Krikava’s art class have decorated two corridors with “tape art.” Individuals were asked “What do you want your audience to think or feel as they see your piece?” Each sketched their answer and then applied tape available in dozens of colors to create an image. Most of them wanted to add some fun to the space. A few had a message they wanted to send about Hmong pride, body positivity or self-love. Most wanted to amaze their audience or create an aesthetic experience.
CCA Exhibition
Henry’s Community Connected Academy had their annual Quarter 1 Gallery Walk Exhibition in the hall on first floor on November 4 wherein students shared their knowledge learned from First Quarter. Students presented their peers, staff and community members projects in science, English, social studies, math and college career readiness, all incorporated within the shared theme of identity.
Preparing for the 2021 Hmong New Year’s Celebration
Asian Cultural Club members line the halls after school as they rehearse for the 19th Annual Hmong New Year at Henry High on December 17. Students, staff and community members are cordially invited to attend this event beginning at 6 p.m. Traditional dancers, singers and a student-written play will be featured, with a feast following pending COVID protocol. The whole experience will cost you $0! Masks will be required.