On October 8 the Minneapolis City Council approved the Upper Harbor Coordinated Plan (https://lims.minneapolismn.gov/File/2021-01069) and the dedication of net ground lease payments from the private developments into a special revenue fund to support Northside anti-displacement and wealth creation initiatives.
Beginning in 2019, the City of Minneapolis, United Properties, First Avenue and the Upper Harbor Terminal Collaborative Planning Committee —a community advisory committee of North and Northeast Minneapolis residents and organizations—began modifying the Upper Harbor Terminal Concept Plan into the Coordinated Plan for redevelopment to achieve more equitable and inclusive outcomes for North Minneapolis.
Public engagement for the Coordinated Plan was done in partnership with the Public Policy Project-Environmental Justice Coordinating Council—with support from Pillsbury United Communities and the McKnight Foundation—who hosted monthly Learning Table events, in addition to City-hosted public meetings and a public comment period.
The 48-acre Upper Harbor redevelopment is divided into 10 parcels for parkland, public infrastructure, housing, production space, community supporting commercial space, a Community Hub, and a Community Preforming Arts Center (CPAC). The estimated $350 million development of the Upper Harbor will occur over many years in multiple phases with the expectation at the end to include:
• 19.5 acres of new parkland and river access
• 520 units of housing
• 45,000 square feet of commercial space
• A 7,000 to 10,000 person CPAC
• A health and wellness-oriented Community Hub
• 160,000 to 180,000 square feet of production and makers space to support and estimated 300 living wage jobs
• New parkway, bicycle and pedestrian trails and related infrastructure
Learn more about the Upper Harbor redevelopment at upperharbormpls.com/.