Part of a series of articles about the 2021 Municipal Elections by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis.
Election Day is November 2, 2021. Do you have your plan to vote? You want to vote in the November Minneapolis local election! Your city is important to you. You care about racial justice, housing, police reform, education, the environment, public transportation, parks and who is elected Mayor! Did you know that you are more likely to actually cast a ballot if you make a concrete plan to vote?
How do you make a plan? Follow these simple steps:
- Be sure you are registered at your current address. In Minnesota, you can register to vote online, by mail or in person at your polling site. Pre-registering online and by mail must be done by October 12. Or you can register in person at a local early voting center or Election Day polling place. If you are registered to vote at your current address, you do not need to bring an ID. If you need to register at your polling place site, you’ll need to bring an ID or other proof of residence to vote sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/register-to-vote/register-on-election-day/. Not sure if you’re currently registered or want to register online? Visit mnvotes.org.
- Decide when you want to vote. Minnesotans have been voting absentee for over 75 years. Since 2014, Minnesotans have been able to cast an absentee ballot without a specific reason. The popularity of early voting in Minnesota has grown in each election since this change took effect. To vote early by mail: Request your absentee ballot no later than October 19, fill it out and return it right away, either through the mail or to your local election office. Ballots must be received by November 2. Request and track your ballot at mnvotes.org. To vote early go to Minneapolis Election & Voter Services, 980 Hennepin Ave. E. Early in-person voting begins September 17 and is open through 5 p.m. on Monday, November 1. To vote on Election Day, November 2, find your polling place pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/ and cast your ballot. Most polling sites are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you can’t easily leave your vehicle or are not comfortable voting inside, you can opt for curbside voting.
- Decide if you need to make special arrangements. Perhaps you need a ride to the polls, childcare (though children can come to the polls with you) or finding time during or around your work schedule to vote. (Remember, Minnesota law requires employees to allow workers time off to vote without losing pay or taking time off.)
- Prepare for your vote. Consider looking up a sample ballot to review more information on the candidates you will be voting for. Sample ballots are available through the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office. This local Minneapolis election will have ranked choice voting. Go to vote.minneapolismn.gov/ranked-choice-voting/ to find out more. At the polls, you can receive help if needed sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/election-day-voting/get-help-voting/.
Make 2021 the year you vote with confidence! Take the time to map out and write down a concrete voting plan and review it before you vote. Encourage friends and family to do the same! Support each other this election season and help someone you care about get involved as a voter. Call three friends and make a plan today!
Please note: If voting in person, follow all current public health guidelines to keep yourself and poll workers safe.
Questions? Info is available in 11 languages at mnvotes.org and at the Minneapolis Elections Office vote.minneapolismn.gov/—or call them by dialing 311. Check out the other articles in this series brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis at lwvmpls.org-— Your vote can make a difference!