Visit folwell.org for event info and updated details. Make sure to join the FB Page for community engagement and access to resources.
Folwell Clean Sweep, October 2 and 3
Fall is here and it’s time for neighbors to mobilize in cleaning up our blocks! On October 2-3 Folwell residents will go out at a time that works for them to clean up their dedicated location. Sign up to join neighbors in cleaning up your block, corners and sewer grates! Contact the Green Team to adopt a block to clean up. Supplies will be provided! Greenteam@folwell.org Our Anime Club meets every other Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Folwell Park. We are encouraging Anime enthusiast teens and adults to join us for viewing, drawing, sharing and talking…
Falloween: Bringing Halloween Back to Folwell?!
Upcoming Events:
- Board Meeting: Monday, October 4, 6:30-8 p.m.
- Neighborhood/Game Night: Monday, October 18, 6:30-8 p.m.
Find us online: folwell.org Contact us: info@folwell.org • 612-643-1686
~ Stronger Together ~