The City of Minneapolis Public Works Department is responsible for road construction projects, including the residential streets resurfacing that was done this summer in the Lind-Bohanon neighborhood. While many think the work was the result of the frequent patches needed for potholes in this area of the City, the truth is just the opposite. The patches were a filler (excuse the pun) until the scheduled resurfacing project came due.
The majority of road construction projects are planned years in advance, in line with City budget planning. When an area is planned for resurfacing, the City of Minneapolis sends a letter to the property owners for the upcoming street work. This communication details the work project, timeline, and estimated tax assessment. The first communication is sent months before the work starts, and allows the homeowner to attend information sessions (online meetings only during 2020 and 1st half of 2021). Homeowners have the opportunity during this period to ask questions about the project and/or cost. (Go to minneapolismn.gov/government/projects/construction-map/#d.en.105841 to see all construction projects planned for Minneapolis for the next five years.)
The resurfacing project is not part of the general property taxes paid. This work is considered an improvement to the homeowner’s property, and the cost is determined based on the area of the property facing the street. Based on an example for an information session, an amount for a smaller sized lot done in 2021 is estimated at $1100. This amount can be paid in full, or can be paid over five years with the owner’s property taxes. When the five-year payment is used, the assessment also has a minimal interest rate. In the example provided on the City’s website, this translates to an estimated addition of $260 per year for five years. (Corner properties are calculated differently to not put an undue burden on those properties having two sides of the lot facing the street.)
Author’s note: I took the opportunity to watch the team resurfacing our piece of Emerson Avenue. The old surface was removed from adjacent streets in the neighborhood. This effort takes more time than applying the new surface and allows the resurfacing to be done for multiple streets in a single day. The resurfacing is extremely efficient: the crew operates with experience, speed and accuracy – and have the right equipment for the job. Our street looks great and I am not sad that the potholes are gone.
Coming up next month: Great streets – Now what about the sidewalks?