The Capri Glee! adult community choir (for ages 18+) is back for a six-week session this fall, culminating in a performance during the Capri’s Grand Opening Week. Rehearsals run from 7- 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights, August 31-October 5, at the newly renovated Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. There is no fee to participate, but advance registration is required at thecapri.org.
The Capri Glee! choir program began in February 2015, and has been going and growing strong since, including a nimble switch to an online Zoom choir format in 2020 due to COVID. The choir is open to singers of all abilities and experience levels, and the repertoire varies each session, from gospel and classical music, to soul and R & B. Director J.D. Steele leads each rehearsal with enthusiasm, an excellent song list, and deep knowledge of how to teach and reach singers of all abilities. “Music is something that embraces the entire world, including our communities and our families,” says Steele. “There’s nothing like it.”
As for all choirs, so much of the Capri Glee! experience is about singing and being together. The Capri is pleased to welcome singers back in person this fall, with the safety of the choir, staff and teaching artists as its top priority. The Capri is now equipped with a new, state-of-the art bipolar ionization air flow system as recommended by the CDC. We will continue to follow all current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as Minnesota Department of Health guidelines and local requirements from the City of Minneapolis. All guests and staff will be required to wear masks inside the Capri. Any other safety protocols will be announced at a later date and posted on the Capri’s website and social media accounts.
Be Glee-Full this fall! Register now at thecapri.org.